
More than 17 years working with almost all suppliers in the catering, hospitality, transport and travel & expense industry.

Service based on cooperation

At 60dias we have been requesting for many years, on behalf of national and international companies, full invoices (or corrected invoices) of the expenses generated by their employees so that they can deduct VAT for up to the last 4 years. Thanks to this cooperation from suppliers we contact that we are leaders in the sector.

establishments in our database
invoicing agreements with suppliers
documents processed per day
employees of our represented clients

Invoicing Service

We are aware that these requests can be disruptive for many suppliers due to the volume of invoices or lack of expertise in this area, which is why we offer a 100% free invoicing service. This way, after signing the agreement that allows us to issue this documentation on your behalf, we prepare the invoices of the expenses that our common clients have reported to us and we send them to you together with each receipt so that you only have to review them, validate them and save them.

Suppliers working with 60dias (%)

Take advantage of the benefits of a partnership with 60dias

Free service

Our clients are the companies who want to recover VAT, not the suppliers who issue the invoices. That’s why we offer a free solution for all those we contact.

Build client loyalty

The recovery of input VAT on receipts is a complicated process. By making this process easier for your clients, you are adding value to your services.

Convenient and efficient

We take care of everything, all you have to do is check that the information is correct, validate them by email and save them. In addition, the expanded invoices do not affect your normal accounting, as they reflect a historic transaction. 

Get to know your clients

You already know the customers but find out which companies your regular clients belong to and build a lasting relationship with them.

Typical suppliers we work with


Restaurants and cafes


Taxi drivers


Car parks


Care hire companies


Service stations




Small retailers

Grandes superficies

Large supermarkets

Are you interested in our invoicing service?

If we have contacted you and you are interested in our free invoicing service, you can request it here or ask us any questions you may have, just give us your authorisation and we will do it for you!

*Mandatory field