Informations juridiques
« 60dias » informs users of the website about its policy regarding the processing and protection of personal data of users and customers that may be collected by browsing, purchase of products or services through its website. In this sense, « 60dias » guarantees compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data, reflected in Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data and in Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, which approves the Regulation of Development of the LOPD, and the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) (EU) 2016/679.
In compliance with current legislation on data protection, users are informed that, at « 60dias », technical and organisational measures have been adopted in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned regulations. The personal data collected in the forms are processed only by the staff of « 60dias » or by the data processors established herein. The appropriate security measures have been adopted for the data provided and, in addition, all the technical means and measures within their reach have been installed to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of the data provided.
The Client or User declares that all the data provided by him/her are true and correct and undertakes to keep them updated, informing « 60dias » of any changes to them. The user is responsible for the veracity of their data and will be solely responsible for any disputes or litigation that may result from the falsity of the same. It is important that, so that we can keep the personal data updated, the user informs « 60dias » whenever there has been any change in them. Otherwise, we cannot be held responsible for their veracity.
The LOPD and the RGPD grant interested parties the possibility of exercising a series of rights related to the processing of their personal data. Insofar as the user’s data is processed by « 60dias », they may exercise their rights. To do so, the user must contact us, providing documentation proving their identity (ID card or passport), by e-mail to, or by written communication to the address that appears in our legal notice. Said communication must include the following information: Name and surname(s) of the user, the request, address and supporting data.
The exercise of rights must be carried out by the user himself. However, they may be executed by an authorised person as the authorised person’s legal representative. In this case, the documentation accrediting this representation of the interested party must be provided.
The user may request the exercise of the following rights:
- Right to request access to personal data.
- The right to request their rectification (in the event that they are incorrect) or deletion.
- Right to request the limitation of their processing, in which case they will only be kept by « 60dias » for the exercise or defence of claims.
- Right to oppose the processing: « 60dias » will stop processing your data, unless for legitimate reasons or for the exercise or defence of possible claims, they must continue to be processed.
- Right to data portability: in the event that you want your data to be processed by another company, « 60dias » will facilitate the portability of your data to the new data controller.
In the event that consent has been granted for a specific purpose, the user has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.
If a user considers that there is a problem with the way in which « 60dias » is handling their data, they may address their complaints to the Security Manager or to the corresponding data protection authority, the Spanish Data Protection Agency being the one indicated in the case of Spain.
Disaggregated data will be retained without a deletion period. With regard to Client data, the period of conservation of personal data will vary depending on the service contracted by the Client. In any case, it will be the minimum necessary, and may be kept up to:
- 4 years: Law on Infringements and Penalties in the Social Order (obligations regarding affiliation, registrations, cancellations, contributions, payment of salaries…); Arts. 66 et seq. General Tax Law (accounting books…)
- 5 years: Art. 1964 Civil Code (personal actions without special time limit).
- 6 years: Art. 30 Code of Commerce (accounting books, invoices…)
- 10 years: Art. 25 Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act.
Mailing list users or those uploaded by « 60dias » to RRSS pages or profiles, will be kept until the user withdraws consent.
Candidate data (C.V.), if any: In the event that the candidate is not selected, « 60dias » may keep their curriculum for a maximum of two years in order to incorporate it into future calls for applications, unless the candidate states otherwise.
« 60dias » has the duty to inform users of its website about the collection of personal data that may be carried out, either by sending e-mails or by filling in the forms included on the website. In this sense, « 60dias » will be considered to be responsible for the data collected by the means described above.
In turn, « 60dias » informs users that the purpose of the processing of the data collected includes attending to requests made by users, inclusion in the contact agenda, the provision of products or services and the management of the commercial relationship. The operations, management and technical procedures that are carried out in an automated or non-automated manner and which enable the collection, storage, modification, transfer and other actions on personal data, are considered to be the processing of personal data.
« 60dias » provides users with a series of telematic mechanisms for the collection and processing of their personal data, for the purposes set out above. The personal data provided telematically, either through email, contact forms on this website or online contracting will be used for the commercial and administrative management of customers and users of the company. These data will be processed through servers managed by Dinahosting, which is also the company providing email services, and which will be considered in charge of treatment.
For its part, the mail and name data will be incorporated into a database for sending commercial communications and manage the subscription to the services requested by the customer or user. You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link that you will find in our communications, or by sending a request to exercise your right to the company in charge of processing or to « 60dias ».
As established by the LSSICE, « 60dias » undertakes not to send commercial communications without identifying them as such. For these purposes, information sent to customers for the maintenance of the existing contractual relationship will not be considered as commercial communication.
In any case, only the data necessary to carry out the contracted service, or to be able to respond appropriately to the request for information made by the user, will be obtained.
Occasionally, personal data will be provided through links to third party websites. In this case, at no time will « 60dias » staff have access to the personal data provided by the Client to said third parties.
« 60dias » has a profile on the main social networks on the Internet (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), recognising itself in all cases responsible for the processing of the data of its followers, fans, subscribers, commentators and other user profiles (hereinafter, followers) published by « 60dias ». The treatment that « 60dias » will carry out with said data within each of the aforementioned networks will be that which the social network allows the corporate profiles.
« 60dias » may inform its followers, when the law does not prohibit it, by any means that the social network allows about its activities and offers, as well as providing personalised customer service. Under no circumstances will « 60dias » extract data from the social networks, unless the user’s consent to do so is specifically and expressly obtained (for example, to carry out a competition).
Applicants who send electronic communications to « 60dias », with the aim of accessing the Entity’s personnel selection processes, authorise us to analyse the documents they send (for example, their C.V.), all content that is directly accessible through Internet search engines (for example, Google), the profiles they maintain on professional social networks (for example, LinkedIn), the data obtained in the entrance tests and the information they reveal in the job interview, with the aim of assessing their candidacy and being able, if necessary, to offer them a position. In the event that the candidate is not selected, « 60dias » may keep your C.V. stored for a maximum of two years, in order to incorporate it into future calls for applications, unless the candidate states otherwise.
« 60dias » will not transfer or communicate your data to any third party, except in the cases provided for by law or when the provision of a service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a data processor, and always in accordance with the general conditions approved by the user prior to contracting the service. Thus, when contracting our services, the user accepts that some of the same may be, totally or partially, subcontracted to other persons or companies, who will be considered as Data Processors, with whom the corresponding confidentiality contract has been agreed, or who have adhered to their privacy policies, established on their respective web pages. The user also accepts that some of the personal data collected may be provided to these data processors, when necessary for the effective performance of the contracted service. The user may refuse the transfer of your data to the Data Processors, by means of a written request, by any of the aforementioned means.
The information provided by the client will, in any case, be considered confidential, and may not be used for purposes other than those related to the contracted services or products purchased from « 60dias ». « 60dias » undertakes not to disclose or reveal information about the client’s intentions, the reasons for the advice requested or the duration of its relationship with the client.
This privacy and data protection policy has been drawn up by EXPERTOS LOPD®, a data protection company, on 25 May 2018, and may vary according to changes in regulations and jurisprudence that may occur. It is the responsibility of the owner of the data to read the updated document, in order to know his/her rights and obligations in this respect at all times.
Use of cookies on the website
In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you of the use of cookies on the websites and applications of « 60dias », in order to facilitate and improve user navigation, remembering where you browsed the website, preferences and display settings, and offering each user information that may be of interest.
What are cookies?
A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer or the device you use (Smartphone, tablet, connected television ….) when you access certain web pages or applications. Cookies allow, among other things, the collection of statistical information, facilitate certain technical functionalities, store and retrieve information about browsing habits or preferences of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, they can be used to recognise the user. A cookie is stored on a computer in order to identify the browser while interacting with our websites or applications. A website may set a cookie on your browser if your browser preferences allow it. A browser only allows a website to access the cookies it sets, not those set by other websites.
Why are cookies important?
« 60dias » uses these cookies for operational reasons (e.g. session cookies), and for ease of use, to make browsing the website easier and more user-friendly, e.g. remembering aspects of the user such as language, country, browser, etc… Certain cookies are essential for you to be able to use our services.
Types of cookies
Technical Cookies: to help improve the quality of our service, including storing user preferences, search results, as well as tracking user trends.
Statistical cookies: collect information about date of visit, the URL and title of the web page visited. The reports generated with this information will be purely statistical, providing information on browsing behaviour in an anonymous form.
Preference or personalisation cookies: these store information on the type of user, saving the user’s nickname to avoid entering it page by page, encrypted information and information on the user’s favourites is also saved.
Analytics or measurement cookies: these are used to track the search engine from which the website has been visited and what search terms were used to find it, they calculate the time spent on the website in each session and the number of times the user has visited the page.
Behavioural advertising cookies: these are cookies that store information on the behaviour of users obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows a specific profile to be developed in order to display advertising based on this.
The following cookies are used on this website:
Own Cookies (functional and essential)
_ga_*: Google Analytics sets this cookie to store and count page views..
Types of cookies by expiry date
The cookies used in « 60dias » are persistent, i.e. they are permanently installed in your browser and are activated each time you visit the site, as long as you do not deactivate their use.
Cookie configuration
To find out how to configure the management of cookies in your browser, you can consult the following links for the main browsers and devices:
-For Internet Explorer™ -For Safari™ -For Chrome™ -For Firefox™ -For Opera™ –For Edge™.
Acceptance of cookies
When you access this website or application for the first time, you will see a window where you are informed about the use of cookies and where you can consult this « Cookie Policy ». If you consent to the use of cookies, it will be understood that you have consented to our cookie policy and therefore to the installation of cookies on your computer or device.
If you « reject non-functional cookies », only those cookies that are essential for the use of the website will be installed.
If you wish, you can change your cookie settings at any time (previous section), configuring your browser to accept, or not, the cookies you receive, revoke the consent previously given, delete the cookies installed or for the browser to warn you when a server wants to save a cookie. We inform you that in the case of blocking or not accepting the installation of cookies, it is possible that certain services may not be available without the use of cookies or that you may not be able to access certain services or take full advantage of everything our websites and applications offer you.
« 60dias » thanks you for consenting to the acceptance of cookies, this helps us to obtain more accurate data that allows us to improve the content and design of our websites and applications to suit your preferences.
At 60dias we are committed to meeting the needs and expectations of our customers and stakeholders, ensuring compliance with their requirements, and the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the services of:
- VAT recovery on travel tickets for expenses and representation,
- Automatic Posting of Supplier Invoices,
- Digitalization and document archiving.
In 60dias, we understand the importance of the documentation entrusted to us, so we take care of the security and confidentiality of the information we manage and store, thus providing added value in the services we offer; supported by state-of-the-art technology and a skilled human resource committed to the continuous improvement of our quality management system.
The entire 60dias, S.L. team is responsible for preserving the confidentiality, integrity, security and availability of information assets.
For the management of communications, operations, maintenance and access controls; 60dias has an IT team responsible for:
- Ensuring the incorporation of security measures in the information systems, from their development and/or implementation and during their maintenance, in this sense, they ensure that outsiders cannot access the network and establish the parameterisation and access controls for IERP personnel.
- Ensure the development of operations and the correct functioning of the information systems, through the protection of critical processes and attention to the effects of significant failures and internal or external threats, whether deliberate or accidental.
For the handling of physical and digital information, 60dias, S.L., has procedures and rules that regulate its correct treatment from its collection to its delivery to the client, ensuring that we return the documentation as it has been delivered to us. Likewise, we have control points and traceability of the information to ensure the reliability of the information.
For data protection, all staff working at 60dias, S.L. sign a confidentiality agreement at the time of hiring.
For the storage of the information, 60dias, S.L. has exclusive spaces for the preservation of the documentation, as well as the servers that support all the digital information to which only authorised personnel have access.
In A Coruña on 03 July 2017
This website contains texts prepared for purely informative or divulgative purposes, which may not reflect the current state of legislation or jurisprudence, and which refer to general situations, so their content should not necessarily be applied by the user to specific cases.
This website details the services offered by « 60dias ». Its use implies acceptance of the following conditions, declining to make any claim on them:
- The use of this website is aimed at people of legal age.
- « 60dias » may modify the content of the website, its services, rates, guarantees, etc., at any time and without prior notice.
- « 60dias » may make available to the user links or other elements that allow access to other websites belonging to third parties. We do not market the products and services of these linked pages, nor do we assume any responsibility for them, nor for the information contained in them, nor for their veracity or legality, nor for any effects that may derive from them. In any case, « 60dias » declares that it will proceed to the immediate withdrawal of any content that could contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order, proceeding to the immediate withdrawal of the redirection to said website, informing the competent authorities of the content in question.
- The prices indicated on the website, if any, are valid except for typographical errors, and are subject to change without prior notice.
- It is not necessary to register on the website, or provide any personal data, to browse it.
- « 60dias » cannot guarantee the uninterrupted or error-free operation of this website. Therefore, we are not responsible for any damage caused by the use of this site.
- « 60dias » offers its services and products indefinitely, but may, however, suspend the provision of the same, unilaterally and without notice.
- « 60dias » shall not be liable for any damages, either its own or to third parties, caused by misuse of this website by the customer.
- The user undertakes not to use this website or the services offered on it to carry out activities contrary to the law, public order or these conditions.
- « 60dias » is not responsible for viruses originating in a telematic transmission infiltrated by third parties generated with the aim of obtaining negative results for a computer system.
- « 60dias » is not responsible for the information and content stored, including but not limited to, forums, chat’s, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently on the provider’s website. However, and in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, « 60dias » is available to all users, authorities and security forces, and actively collaborating in the removal or blocking of all content that could affect or contravene national or international legislation, the rights of third parties or morality and public order. In the event that the user considers that there is any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please notify the website administrator immediately.
- This website has been checked and tested to ensure that it functions correctly. In principle, it can be guaranteed to function correctly 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, « 60dias » does not rule out the possibility of the existence of certain programming errors, or the occurrence of force majeure, natural disasters, strikes, or similar circumstances that make it impossible to access the website.
- The opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views of « 60dias ». The content of the articles published on this website cannot be considered, under any circumstances, as a substitute for legal advice. The user should not act on the basis of the information contained in this Web Site without first seeking professional advice.
In short, the user is solely responsible for the use made of the services, contents and links included on this website.